WHEREAS, There’s a homelessness and mental health crisis happening on our streets; WHEREAS, Ontario’s cities cannot solve it alone;
WHEREAS, At last count there were over 1,400 encampments in Ontario, and that figure is rising;
WHEREAS, Ontario’s cities have been left to deal with this crisis without adequate resources and support-even though mental health care, addiction treatment and housing are provincial responsibilities;
WHEREAS, It’s time for all levels of Governments to work together to take immediate action to solve the homelessness and mental health crisis gripping our communities; WHEREAS, Residents and businesses are being impacted, and people need to feel safe in our downtowns and public spaces; and further
WHEREAS, There are programs that work, but they require all levels of government to step up and work with municipalities and community partners to prioritize these solutions.
I, Frank Campion, Mayor for the City of Welland, request Council to endorse and promote the Solve the Crisis Project put forward by the Big City Mayors of Ontario. Ref. No. 21-30