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THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WELLAND approves the request from the Welland Downtown Business Improvement Area to appoint Archie Spagnolo on the Board of Management.

THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WELLAND approves the request from the Town and Gown Committee of paying $1,068.98 for one (1) off-duty police officer to patrol in the Niagara College area on move-in weekend from the 2024 Advisory Committee Activity Account.

THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WELLAND receives for information the petition from the residents of Coyle Creek Park regarding opposing implementing the buffer zone around the perimeter of the pond and forwards the matter to staff.

THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WELLAND directs staff to provide a comprehensive report regarding the storm management pond at Coyle Creek. That the report detail the city's responsibility and history to the maintenance of the surrounding park like setting over the past 10 years. That any input from surrounding residents regarding this pond be included in the report and this report to be on an upcoming Council meeting.   Ref. No. 24-78

WHEREAS, there is a gap in sidewalks on the north and south sides of South Pelham Road from Foss Road to Thorold Road; and further
WHEREAS, interconnected continuous sidewalks are necessary for active transportation and an accessible and livable community.
NOW THEREFORE  BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WELLAND directs staff to engage with the Region of Niagara in order to have sidewalks installed on South Pelham Road between Foss and Thorold Roads.   Ref. No. 24-26

WHEREAS, There’s a homelessness and mental health crisis happening on our streets; WHEREAS, Ontario’s cities cannot solve it alone;
WHEREAS, At last count there were over 1,400 encampments in Ontario, and that figure is rising;
WHEREAS, Ontario’s cities have been left to deal with this crisis without adequate resources and support-even though mental health care, addiction treatment and housing are provincial responsibilities;
WHEREAS, It’s time for all levels of Governments to work together to take immediate action to solve the homelessness and mental health crisis gripping our communities; WHEREAS, Residents and businesses are being impacted, and people need to feel safe in our downtowns and public spaces; and further
WHEREAS, There are programs that work, but they require all levels of government to step up and work with municipalities and community partners to prioritize these solutions.
I, Frank Campion, Mayor for the City of Welland, request Council to endorse and promote the Solve the Crisis Project put forward by the Big City Mayors of Ontario.    Ref. No. 21-30

THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WELAND hold an in-camera meeting with the Clerk and a legal representative present to discuss an identifiable individual.  The purpose of this meeting will be to receive a follow-up from the December 19, 2023 in camera council direction and options to amend that council direction.    Ref. No. 02-160